Saturday, September 27, 2014

Professor E O E Pereira Memorial Lecture - 2014 :: Delivered by S B Weerakoon, Professor in Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering University of Peradeniya

Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources - Professor E O E Pereira Memorial Lecture (2014)
Speaker: S B Weerakoon Professor in Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering University of Peradeniya


  1. Can we work towards to see PEFac among the top 100 Faculties in the world when we celebrate the 70 th anniversary in 2020?.

  2. Imperial College London is no 2 in the world along with Cambridge.With more than a dozen of lecturers back in 1970 educated in these two universities after their first degrees from Efac it is not beyond the wits of efac to bring out the best of efac to the fore and stand out within 100 from 2017 onwards.


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