Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sisira Adikari writes his memories

Dear eFacMemories readers,

I have excellent news for you!

Sisira Adikari [E/83/008] is going to write his memories of the eFac days @ Peradeniya.

I have received a document running for seven pages with over 3000 words for Sisira.

His article focuses on the incidents that took place in 1986 at the faculty of engineering.

That was the time when e-fac students' protested against Professor J A Gunawardena's handling of second year Applied Electricity labs.

I will start publishing Sisira's article in sevela installments over the next feew days.

So, watch this space guys!

-Moderator, eFac Memories blog

READ - Parts I and II

(image taken from:

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